We here at Calvary are busy getting ready for this year's VBS. Our 2012 theme is "Sky, Everything is Possible with God." The dates this year will be August 6-10. To make this as successful as possible, we need lots of people to help and we are hoping that you may want to join us. There are several areas in which you could help. We are in need of coordinators in the following areas. PRESCHOOL- leading the children in the preschool age group. Work with the Kindergarten coordinator and sharing Bible Story time, games and craft time, etc. CRAFTS - coordinate the craft time. I have some ideas for the 5 crafts needed but if you have your own ideas that would be great. PARKING - someone to coordinate a crew to guide cars safely in and out, especially the first couple days. Also, we need people to be crew leaders/guides, helpers in kindergarten and preschool, with crafts, snacks, parking, and helpers in Club 789. If you haven't been a crew leader before it is probably the easiest, yet important way to help. You basically guide 3-5 kids from one station to another. You will listen to the station leaders' promptings and help the kids experience the fun as they go from games, to crafts, to Bible Story etc. If you are interested in helping please call me-Sue Ellis @ 888-1407 or the church office, 278-2555 and let us know. You can also sign up on- line by going to the Calvary website. (www.calvaryslz.org) Thank you so much for considering this and we hope to have you join us. In Him, Sue Ellis (VBS Coordinator) 510-888-1407 |