April Events
21 - Church (9am) "Who do you serve?" Acts 20:17-35
Adult Bible Study & Children's Sunday School - 10:15 am
The Experience Sr. High Youth Group 6pm-8pm (Youth Rm)
22 - Earth Day Assembly 9 am (Church)
24 - Field Trip - 3rd/4th grades to Chabot Play
22-25 - 5th-6th Grade Outdoor Education
24 - Spring Production Dress Rehearsal Preschool - 2nd Grade 8:40 am (Chapel)
25 - Hot Lunch - Pizza!
26 - Accreditation 11:30 am Dismissal & Free Dress (Calvary Club Available)
Spring Production Preschool - 2nd Grade 7:00 pm (Church)
27 - Blessing of the Pets & Car Wash 10 am - 12 pm (Back Lot)
28 - Last Day to Order Your Yearbook Online
Secret Sister Spring Breakfast 11 am (Parish Hall)
May Events
1 - Field Trip - 3rd/4th grades to A's Game
2 - Panoramic Picture 11 - Lutheran Schools' Track Meet (Newark) 13-17 - Teacher Appreciation Week 14 - Field Trip - 1st/2nd grades to Railroad Museum
| | | CLS Celebrates Earth Day with Sulphur Creek, Earth Tees & Jeans on Monday, 4/22 Student Council is sponsoring an amazing assembly done by Sulphur Creek Nature Center for Earth Day! So join us (parents are invited, too!) Monday, April 22nd @ 9am in the Chapel to learn about the conservation and appreciation of our local environment and wildlife.
Show your Earth Day spirit by wearing an environmental or animal themed shirt and your nice jeans on Earth Day!
Earth Day Posters will be judged Wednesday, 4/17 and the winner will be announced at the assembly!
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Updated Calendar & 1st Day of School
Click on the link to view or print the school calendar. Recent changes include the Dress Rehearsal of the Spring Program, "Herbie and the Good News Garden," on May 24th during Chapel, the School Picnic on May 29th, and the first day of school for the 2013-14 school year--August 21st.
 Spring Musical - Herbie & the Good News Garden April 24th & 26th Performed by Preschool - 2nd Grade
Join us for this adorable musical! Dress Rehearsal - April 24th @ 8:40am (Chapel)
Performance - April 26th @ 7pm (Church)
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Scrip Gift Cards for Sale at Calvary
Purchase gift cards at Calvary for all your shopping needs--gas, groceries, birthdays, Sunday brunch after church, or just a little thank you for someone.
Calvary keeps many gift cards in stock, and each vendor gives a little percentage back to Calvary without diminishing the gift card's value. If the Arco gas card is for $50, you receive $50.
Click on the link and check out our list!
Calvary Scrip Gift Card List ************************************************************************************ |
Blessing of the Pets & Car Wash
Saturday, April 27th, 10am - Noon, (back lot) All God's Creatures, Pets, Great & Small!
Bring your dogs, cats, rabbits, reptiles, birds, fish or any other creature as long as it has a leash or a cage for the safety of all.
Each pet will receive a keepsake medallion to wear on its collar.
Hearts & Hands Ministry If you are able to provide a meal, a ride or sit with an older person, please contact Jan Kreger at xsxxxxxxxx.Hearts & Hands Flyer
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Lost & Found Calvary's Lost & Found is overflowing! Be sure to check our Lost & found located in the hallway between Calvary Club and the Parish Hall. Any items not claimed will be donated to one of our sister churches.
Cook Books for Sale for Mom's Day
Stop by the Calvary office to check out the Calvary Cook book! It has some unique recipes like how to make a preschooler, or Elephant Stew, along with recipes for all your favorite recipes from our parishioners, teachers and staff. They're only $10, so get them while they last! *******************************************************************************
 VBS 2013 - Kingdom Rock! Save the date for this year's Vacation Bible School (VBS) - Aug. 5th - 9th. This year's theme is Kingdom Rock; if you are interesting in volunteering, the first meeting will be Wed., 4/24 @ 7pm in the conference room. Registration cards will be sent home next week and can be picked up from the office. ***************************************************************** |
Secret Sister Spring Brunch - Sat. April 28th
Calling all ladies! It's time to start a new Secret Sister group. If you are interested in praying for someone and giving little trinkets or her favorite snacks, a new group will be starting and we will be drawing names, someone will draw your name, and you will draw someone else's. If you are unable to make it to the brunch, you can still participate by filling out the form (form to come). If you have any questions, please call Cindy Shultz @ 510.278.3372. ******************************************************************* |
Calvary Lutheran Church & School
17200 Via Magdalena
San Lorenzo, California 94580
510-278-2598 |