CLS Logo T-Shirts & Sweatshirts
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| If you would like to purchase a Calvary T-shirt or sweatshirt, please click on the link below and print out the order form. We have children and adult sizes in different colors. If we do not have your size/color in stock, we can order it. Please send form and money or check to the office. |
| Band Meeting - Monday, Sept. 17th @ 6:30pm
| | There will be an informational Band meeting in the church for parents and students in the 4th - 8th grade. If you are interested in learning to play in a band, or if you can donate an instrument, please attend this meeting.
| Updated School Handbook
| Please take a moment to click on the link and review the updated CLS Parent/Student Handbook. Some of the areas that have been changed include: the Parent Participation Program (PPP), Discipline and the Lunch program. The Handbook will be placed on the website for easy access during the school year.
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| Fall Craft Fair
| | Mark your calendar for Calvary's 1st Annual Craft Fair - Saturday, 10/6 and Sunday, 10/7. Tables are still available, $30 for a 6-foot table; and $40 for an 8-foot table.
Raffle tickets will go home with your child Monday, 9/17.
Raffle tickets are 2 for a $1.00! The class with the most tickets sold will get a pizza party!
Dining for Dollars | | Calvary's 1st Dining for Dollars will be at Porky's Pizza on Tuesday, 9/18 from 4pm to 9pm. Bring the attached flyer in and Porky's Pizza will donate 20% of each order back to Calvary.
| OWL - 'One With the Lord' Youth BBQ - Attention 'Jr. High-ers'
| | Jr. Highers (Grades 6th-8th) come join us for a BBQ and some water fun this Sat. 9/15 - 12noon to 2pm. Parents are asked to attend this event as there will be an informational meeting also.
| Calvary Ringers Perform this Sunday!
| | Don't miss the Calvary Ringers playing this Sunday at 9am in the church service. Click on the link to see the names of our amazing Ringers this year!
| 1st Quarter Offering
| The offering collected during Chapel each week will go to the victims of Hurricane Isaac through Lutheran World Relief. Thank you for giving so that we can give to others in need.