Our CLS Family is growing!
Check out what ALL the excitement is about.
Fine Arts Program including Dramas & Musicals.
A new Athletic Program including more options for P.E, recess time and team sports.
21st century technology - presenting...Myschoolworx! A web-based app that gives a parent one-stop shopping--pay your bill, check your child's homework/calendar/grades, update your info or email other parents or teachers in the school directory.
New classroom technology - Interactive (Smart) Boards & iPads.
International Foreign Exchange Program - sharing our faith, family and education with students from overseas.
And don't forget our ESE Program - we will be expanding the already popular and successful ESE Program, giving students tutoring to help them meet and exceed their goals.
We welcome our 16 new families
to the Calvary Family!
Tell a friend; the more, the merrier!