To All Members of the Cougar Family: Parents, staff, church members, friends.
Thanks for making this year's Spring, "Dinner and Show" a huge success! As you
walk around the campus, you may still hear songs like "Lewis & Clark" or "Fork In The Road," as well as lines from the musical like: "It's Ruff" or "We're Baaack!" It brings smiles as people pass in the hallways, office or church.
To all CLS students: Each of you was an awesome STAR in our presentation of "The Lewis and Clark Expedition." Your smiles, dancing, and enthusiasm will never be forgotten.
To the lead characters and the CLS Band: You totally ROCKED! I can't wait
to see the videos.
Remember to order yours in the office or online for "just five bucks!!" All 3 performances are for sale!
Your director: Mrs. Liston
Assistant director: Miss Grace