Friday, September 16, 2016

News & Events Weekly Newsletter (Fri., Sept. 16, 2016)

Welcome to
Weekly Newsletter
Friday, September 16, 2016
      PLEASE READReading Glasses

You are receiving this e-mail because you have expressed an interest in Calvary Lutheran School or your child is enrolled at Calvary.

Please read the weekly newsletter, or any e-mails from the as this is our way of communication to you of any changes, emergencies, or events that are happening in at or around the school.

             Sick child and mom  Sick Boy Sick Child
Cold and Flu Season are here!
If you feel your child is sick or might be sick, we ask you to please keep them at home.  
your child's temperature is 99.8 degrees or higher, it is considered a low-grade temperature.  Please keep your child at home as whatever your child has is now considered contagious.   
A child must be FEVER FREE (NO fever), no diarrhea, and not vomiting, WITHOUT any medications (i.e. Acetaminophen/ Tylenol, Ibuprofen/Motrin) in their system for at least 24 hours before they can return to school.
If your child suddenly comes down with the following symptoms:  fever, headache, muscle aches, sore throat, cough, fatigue, rash, nausea or vomiting - we encourage you to contact your local physician and discuss your child's symptoms.
Washing Hands
Make Hand-Washing a Habit  
Kids who wash their hands at least four times a day have a 24 percent fewer sick days from colds and flu, and 51 percent fewer sick days due to stomach illnesses.  
(Amer. Public Hlth Assoc.).
Teach kids to scrub their whole hands - up to the wrists and under the fingernails - and to do it long enough to sing the ABCs or "Happy Birthday" all the way through.  A timer works well, too.
Fall School Pictures    

Lifetouch will be taking School Pictures here on campus on Friday, September 30, 2016 at 8:30 a.m.  
Picture day is a free dress day!

More information and forms will be coming home with your children end of next week.  You may also order online with your Picture Day ID#:  BY416713Q0   and customize each sheet of your package online.     
Please contact the school secretary, Mrs. Nancy Schibler at, or by phone at (510) 278-2598, if you have any questions. 

Calvary Calendar
(mark your calendars)

30 - School Pictures (8:15 a.m.)

4 - Dining for Dollars at Rigatoni's in Hayward!  Download Coupon, click on the blue "Dining for Dollar"  
10-14 - 6th - 8th Grade - Outdoor Ed
11- CFA Meeting (6:00 p.m.)
21 - End of 1st Quarter, Teacher In-Service, Half-Day (Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.)
23 - Fall Partner's In Worship (Preschool), 9:00 a.m.
27 - Parent-Teacher Conference, Half-Day (Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.) - 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
28 - Parent-Teacher Conference (No School; Calvary Club Open) - 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

8 - CFA Meeting (6:00 p.m.)
11 - Veteran's Day Observed (No School, Calvary Club and Offices Closed)
21-25 - Thanksgiving Break (No School)
24 - Thanksgiving Day (No School, Calvary Club and Offices Closed)

2 - Fall Pictures - Retakes
11 - MS Drama Presentation and Christmas Musical (6th - 8th)
23-31 - Christmas Break (Dec. 23 - Jan. 6, 2017).
25 - Christmas
31 - New Year's Eve
**SAVE THE DATE - 2017: **
Jan. 23-26 - Spirit Week
Jan. 28 - Campus Beautification
Feb. 3 - Open House (6:00 pm - 7:30 pm)
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* Calvary Club (K-8th Grade; before and after school care) is available ($5.25/hour; after 6:00 pm $4.00/minute) for the Summer and 2016-17 school year.
** Means Change/Addition in Schedule

Click below to view next year's school calendar:  

                                         2016-17 - School Calendar
(Calendar Revised:  09/15/16)     
CFA Meetings   
                          (Calvary Family Association)
Calvary Family Association (CFA) Meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.

Next CFA Meeting is Tuesday, October 11, 2016.

Come to the CFA Meeting and you can earn one PPP hour and your child can earn one free dress day at the end of the week, when it is a full-day.
Enrollment Pencil
If you know a family who is interested in attending Calvary Lutheran School, please have them contact the school secretary to receive an information packet, set-up an appointment to take a tour, or they may also be able to shadow one of our students.  
If they enroll and attend CLS for at least one semester, they will receive a "family referral discount!" In addition, you will receive a "family referral discount" as well.
Please contact the school secretary, Mrs. Nancy Schibler at, or by phone at (510) 278-2598, if you have any questions.
Click to the below for a NEW Student Application packet and welcome letter: 
SCRIP - The easiest fundraiser we have!

Gift Card Display
Gift cards are awesome to use for yourself as well as to give as birthday gifts, 
anniversary, teacher appreciation, and Thank You!
Purchasing gifts cards through Calvary earns us points!

Scrip - The easiest fundraiser we have!

What is Scrip? Great Lakes Scrip Center explains it as "fundraising while you shop".  We sell many of the same gift cards you would purchase at retail outlets.  Great Lakes Scrip has over 700 of the country's biggest brands: Safeway, Lucky's, Starbucks, Chevron, Arco,, Old Navy, Kohl's, Walmart, Applebees, Chipoltle, Wendy's, Home Depot, and so much more.  Check out our "in house" listing as well as go to and view everything available thru their retailer's list.
How it works: We place our orders on Monday mornings (9 a.m.) so that you will receive your cards by the weekend, usually Friday afternoon. NEW You may also shop and place your order online, reload cards, and get e-cards. To order online you must register and sign up for Prestopay at  Enrollment code: 9AF2LD9C9L86.  
Who can participate
Everyone!!  All families at Calvary Lutheran, friends, extended family are encouraged to purchase Scrip throughout the year.  Come into the office during normal school hours and see Karla Regnier or Nancy Schibler, and on Sundays after service at the information booth.  Cash and checks are accepted.

Questions:  Contact Karla by e-mail at or by phone at (510) 278-2555

Gift cards are available all year around!
Below you will find a few of the school forms that parents may need throughout the school year.
Please Click below, to your right, next to the form (in blue) that you need to download.  Make sure you fill the form out completely and return it to the school secretary.  If you do not find the form you need, please contact the school secretary. 
Medication Form (Permission to Use:   Medication Form
Please remember children are not allowed to self-medicate themselves. Form(s) and medicine must be brought to the school office revised/updated every new school year.

Parent's RenWeb Instructions:   Parent RenWeb Instructions   
Change of Address and/or Emergency Form: Address Change and/or Emergency Form

Re-Enrollment (returning students) Form:   Re-Enrollment Forms (2016-17)

New Student Enrollment Form (2016-17):     Welcome Letter and Application for Admission - PS-8th   

Dress Code Guideline (K-8):  Dress Code

Calvary Club (before and after school) K-8th Guidelines:  Calvary Club Guidelines (2016-17)
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, 
let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. 
And let us run with perseverance  the race marked out for us, 
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. 
For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, 
and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, 
so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. age."
(Hebrews 12:1-3, NIV)

Bible and Glasses
Please continue to keep our Pastor, Superintendent, teachers, students, parents 
and volunteers in your prayers throughout the school year.  
Calvary Lutheran School
17200 Via Magdalena, San Lorenzo, CA 94580
School:  (510) 278-2598*
Calvary Club:  (510) 278-7688 

Shepherding Hearts ~ Sharpening Minds ~ Shaping Lives
Calvary Lutheran Church & School, 17200 Via Magdalena, San Lorenzo, CA 94580
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