Fw: Important Message from Dr. Chivalette (Jan. 18, 2017)
January 18, 2017
Dear CCS Families,
I wanted to follow-up on the tuition information which was forwarded to each CCS family last week. It is important to note that Calvary Christian School is not planning on closing at the end of the current year. On the contrary, the purpose and goal of the Board of Governance and Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church is to continue to support Calvary Christian School as its primary outreach ministry. Your commitment to CCS is needed in order for the school to plan effectively.
One of the plans for next year is to offer a TK (transitional kindergarten). A second plan is to provide new K-8 textbooks for Language Arts. A final plan is to see if there is a genuine interest in offering an athletic program for both elementary and middle school.
February 10: end of first period for reenrollment allowing parents to pay $250 registration fee per child
February 11 – February 28: Registration fee increases to $275 per child
March 1 – 17: Registration fee increases to $300 per child
After March 18 - 31: Registration fee increases to $325 per child
After April 1: Registration fee increases to $350 per child
Financial Aid:
25% - Maximum amount provided for families who qualify
Please submit a copy of your 2016 tax information. In addition, please submit a copy of your 2016 W2, 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, and 1099 forms that are submitted to the IRS. Tax information must be provided with your application and processing fee of $25 no later than Wednesday, March 1, 2017, before committee will review your application.
Current CCS families must apply between January 10 and March 1, 2017.
$250 re-enrollment fee must be paid per child in order to be considered
Parents will be notified no later than March 17, 2017, if they qualify for financial aid
Those failing to qualify will have their $250 re-enrollment fee returned.
Open House
This year, Open House is geared towards new families and students interested in Calvary. If you bring a new family to view CCS, you are welcome to attend as well.
February 3: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Starbucks gift card for each new family who attends
Starbucks gift card for each current CCS family who brings a new family to the open house as their guest
February 16: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Starbucks gift card for each new family who attends
Starbucks gift card for each current CCS family who brings a new family to the open house as their guest
Sincerely, Dr. Michael Hemme Chivalette Superintendent