| Calvary Lutheran VBS July 31 - August 4, 2017 9 a.m. - !2:00 p.m. |
Theme: "Maker Factory" Created by God, Built for a Purpose Come join us for lots of fun. Crafts, Songs, Games, Bible stories, Videos, and Making New Friends. Preschool age to 6th grade Cost is $25 - if you register by July 20 ($30 at the door) Church Members Free! (this includes T-shirt, snacks, crafts etc.) We also need helpers. Crew Leaders: a guide of 4-5 children from one station to another. Open to 7th grade and above. (this fulfills volunteer hours that some of you would need for school) Craft Coordinator: I have crafts ordered, I just need someone to be in charge and explain to the children how the craft fits the theme. Media: Need someone to set up microphones in the morning and play the music DVD during the opening and closing each day Parking Coordinator: Someone to coordinate and guide the traffic flow through the parking lot to keep the kids safe during drop off and pick up. Helpers: Helpers to help in following areas: games, crafts, preschool, parking lot help, snacks, and photographs. Please contact Sue Ellis for further information at 510-888-1407 |
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CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States