| Greetings! Please join us for church this Sunday at 9am, and church on Thanksgiving Day at 10am.
Be sure to look through this newsletter-- the Hot Lunch Order Form is listed!
Have a very happy Thanksgiving and remember to thank the Lord for the many blessings He has bestowed upon you. | | | Calvary Calendar
| 24 - Church - Guest Pastor - Pastor Sauer from POP - 9am25-29 Thanksgiving Break 28 - Thanksgiving Day Service 10am - Join Us!
2 - School resumes 4 - Advent Service 7pm & Soup Supper 5:45pm (prior to service) - Preschool through 2nd grade will participate in a Christmas program during this service. 7 - Calvary Craft Faire - 10am - 4pm 7 - Calvary Ringers Perform at Wittenberg Christmas Party 8 - Calvary Craft Faire - 10am - 3:30pm (after church) 8 - Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group Meeting 2pm-4pm (Youth Rm) 8 - Holly's Celebration of Life Service 4:30pm
11 - Advent Service 7pm & Soup Supper 5:45pm (prior to service) - 3rd through 8th grade will participate in Christmas Performance, Calvary Ringers Perform & Band Plays 15 - Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group Christmas Party 2pm-4pm (Youth Rm)
18 - Bethlehem Express (1st Train @ 6pm, last train @ 7:15pm)
| The Hot Lunch Order Form is Here! |
Thank you to Grace Ramos and Susan Swan for offering to coordinate the Hot Lunch Program this year. Click on the link to view the Hot Lunch Form. Print it out, make your choices and send it with your check or cash to your child's teacher or to the office. Hot Lunch will be served on Friday only, unless Friday is a half day, in which case Hot Lunch will be served on Thursday. Hot Lunch Order Form 2nd Qtr 2013-14 |
Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group Schedule Click on the link for this year's schedule.
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Calvary 2nd Annual Craft Faire What: Handmade Holiday Crafts When: Saturday, 12/7 10am - 4pm Sunday, 12/8 10am - 3:30pm Where: In the Parish Hall Come check out the wares and get a head start on your Christmas shopping! There will be jewelry, card and paper crafts, knitted gifts, photography, blankets, bath products and the CPA will sell festive refreshments. Tables are still available. 6-foot tables are $25, and 8-foot tables are $35. Contact Kim Heggins to sign up: kheggins@comcast.net. Can't make it? Buy some raffle tickets for a chance to win handmade items from our talented vendors. Raffle tickets will be going home with students after Thanksgiving and tickets will be sold after church on Sunday 12/1. Get 2 tickets for $1, or 10 for $5. Raffles will be done during the Craft Faire, and you need not be present to win. Funds raised from the sale of raffle tickets and table rentals will go to the Scholarship Fund to assist families in need. |
This Week's 'Teacher Feature' is... Mrs. Kim Heggins Kim was born in Oakland and grew up in Fremont. She worked in the dental field for 25 years and decided to make a change, so she went back to school and graduated from Chabot in 2004 with an AA degree in Early Childhood Education. She started working at Calvary in 2002 as the Calvary Club Director and has loved every minute of it. She spends her free time being crafty, and loves to make cards, scrapbooks, bakes, sews and quilts in her Disney-themed craft room. She has been married to her husband, Dwight for 22 years, and their daughter Ashleigh is a senior at Cal State East Bay. Ashleigh is alumni and attended Calvary from preschool to 8th grade. |
Calvary Logo T-Shirts & Sweatshirts for Sale - Rescheduled
| Wed., Dec. 4th @ 8:15 Calvary will be selling its back stock of logo tees and sweatshirts in the Courtyard. Prices will be posted and sizes will be limited to stock on hand. Stop by before Chapel and check out the merchandise.
Calvary also has gently used tees, polos, pants, skirts and some sweatshirts in the Gently Used Uniform Closet for free and everyone is welcome to browse it anytime.
Mrs. Morlock's 7th & 8th Graders "Get Crafty"
 The 7th and 8th grade class has been using their creativity to design and make some great treasures (perfect for gifts this Christmas season). Here's a small sample of their work (scarves, shoulder blankies - aka ponchos, key chains, potholders, bracelets and more). Check them out at the Calvary Craft Faire December 7th and 8th. Stop by to show your support to all the vendors and to help the 7th and 8th grade raise money for their 8th grade trips. |
Bethlehem Express - Allllll Abooooooooaaard!
| Calvary's Christmas Program this year will be the Bethlehem Express and it is fast-approaching.
To help make this evening magical, we need donations or to borrow the following items. Be sure to write your name on it if you need it returned to you. - White Christmas Lights (need by 11/30)
- A real Christmas Tree (need by 12/14)
Be sure to mark your calendar for Dec. 18th and catch one of 4 'trains' that evening! 1st train departs @ 6pm; last train departs @ 7:15pm. There will be crafts, carols, refreshments and the Christmas Story.
Gift Cards for the Holidays Why wait in lines?
| Stop by the office to browse our selection of gift cards for gift-giving (and keeping). We carry many local retailers and restaurants in-house, and we have an 8-page directory of merchants, restaurants and services (across the U.S.) from which you can special order (can take 2 wks to arrive). If you buy a $25 Starbucks gift card, you receive a $25 Starbucks gift card, and Starbucks will donate a percentage back to the school. If you buy your gift cards from us, you lose the line, and our students gain a little profit. :)
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