| CALVARY LUTHERAN SCHOOL NEWS & EVENTS Friday, October 16, 2015 |
You are receiving this e-mail because you have expressed an interest in Calvary Lutheran School or your child is enrolled at Calvary. Please add schoolsecretary@calvaryslz.org to your address book or contacts so we will be sure to make it to your personal inbox.
Unsubscribing from one Calvary e-mail will remove you from receiving all church and school e-mails, including significant announcements that will benefit you and your child(ren). We strongly recommend that you do not unsubscribe from receiving CLS e-mails.
Note: This is our way of communication to you of any changes, emergencies, or events that are happening in at or around the school, other than RenWeb. Calvary Lutheran School (CLS) - News & Events is sent to you every Friday afternoon. |
| | Cold and Flu Season are here! If you feel your child is sick or might be sick, we ask you to please keep them at home.
If your child's temperature is 99.6 degrees or higher, it is considered a low-grade temperature. Please keep your child at home as whatever your child has is now considered contagious. A child must be FEVER FREE (NO fever) and not vomiting, WITHOUT any medications (Acetaminophen/ Tylenol, Ibuprofen/Motrin) in their system for at least 24 hours before they can return to school.
If your child suddenly comes down with the following symptoms: fever, headache, muscle aches, sore throat, cough, fatigue, rash, nausea or vomiting - we encourage you to contact your local physician and discuss your child's symptoms. Do not forget to let your school secretary know that your child will not be in school. If you would like to pick up any homework after school, please let the secretary know at that time.
Make Hand-Washing a Habit Kids who wash their hands at least four times a day have 24 percent fewer sick days from colds and flu, and 51 percent fewer sick days due to stomach illnesses. (American Public Health Association).
Teach kids to scrub their whole hands - up to the wrists and under the fingernails - and to do it long enough to sing the ABCs or "Happy Birthday" all the way through. A timer works well, too. |
YOUR CHILD AND MEDICINE Students are not allowed to ""self-medicate" themselves while at school. All meds must go to the school office and must have the (below) Medication Form filled out |
PUMPKIN RAFFLE TICKETS ON SALE NOW!  Calvary has two large pumpkins that are being raffled off on Friday, October 23rd @ 11:30 a.m. ~ That's right after school! Purchase your raffle tickets for $1.00 each in the office and you may be able to win two (2) pumpkins, both weighing about 40 lbs. each. |
Monday, October 26th  Our school has a wonderful opportunity to serve others in our community, by walking for cans. On Monday, October 26th, each class will have a thirty-minute period to walk a course on the school grounds. The course is about 1/5 of a mile and takes an adult about 3 minutes to walk. For each lap completed the student will receive the specified item (money or canned goods) pledged by his/her sponsor. All of the cans/money collected will be given to a local Food Bank to help families in our community. Please encourage your children to find sponsors for this event!
Preschool will be collecting food but will not be walking. In order for this event to be a success, we need parent volunteers!
Any amount of time that you can volunteer would be appreciated! Your hours will be counted for PPP Hours.
If you are able to help us this day, please contact Nancy or Mrs. Luehrs in the School Office |
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, December 10, 2015 @ 6:30 p.m. Location: Parish Hall
Parent(s) who attend CFA meetings, at least 1 hour is deducted from their PPP hour balance. In addition, your child gets one free dress day at the end of the week too!
Child Care is provided to Calvary students at no charge for those attending the CFA meetings. |
Scholastic Book Fair
Start Planning Scholastic Book Fair is coming up very soon.
Wednesday, October 28 thru Wednesday, November 4, 2015 Parish Hall
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Need additional PPP Hours? Contact CFA Team or Karla at (510) 278-2555, let them know you are available to assist in the Book Fair (set-up, help sell, supervised students, tear down and box everything up) |
| 21 - Storyteller Michael Katz "Do the Right Thing" Preschool - 4th grade 10:00 a.m., 4th - 8th grade - 11:00 a.m. 23 - Quarter 1 Ends (Half-Day, 11:30 a.m. dismissal) 26 - Walk for Cans* 28-30 - Scholastic Book Fair (Parish Hall) 29 - Cougar Harvest Celebration (10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.) - Half-Day 29 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.) - Half-Day 30 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (No School, Calvary Club Open)
1-4 - Scholastic Book Fair (Parish Hall) 8 - Preschool - Partners in Worship (9 am) 11 - Veteran's Day Observed (No School, No Calvary Club) 23-24 - Teacher Conference 23-27 - Thanksgiving Week (No School)
4 - Fall Picture Retakes 8 - CFA Meeting at 6:30 p.m. (Parish Hall) 16 - Bethlehem Express 18 - Half-Day (11:30 a.m. dismissal). Calvary Club is Open 21-31 - Christmas Break 25 - Christmas Day "Happy Birthday Jesus!" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
* Calvary Club (before and after school care) is available ($5.00/hour; after 6:00 pm $4.00/minute)
** Means Change/Addition in Schedule
Click below on the blue highlighted notice below (Revised: 09/18/15)
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 PARKING LOT SAFETY RULES Please do not enter the school ground from Via Magdalena. This is designated as an Exit Only!
- Cars must enter the parking lot from Via Arriba (back side of lot, behind Wendy's), and exit the parking lot Via Magdalena before and after school.
- When driving on the school grounds, please slow down! Speed limit is 5 mph.
- Children must stay behind the blue line and ropes (near buildings) in the parking lot.
- Students in grades Preschool through 4th grade must be walked to class and pick up by an adult. (Please pick up your youngest child first).
- ALL GATES close at 8:40 a.m. (except for Chapel and special events). Gates will open in the afternoon at 2:50 p.m. On Half-Days, gates will open at 11:20 a.m. Please be careful of those students opening the gates.
***Please be sensitive to students opening the gates. Wait until the gate is open, student is out of the way BEFORE you proceed to your destination. Thank You! |
Do not forget to upload your pictures!!  Select up to 10 images or more for each upload. Photos may be of your child's field trips, classroom photos, special projects in the classroom or on the playground. Bring in your USB (thumb drive) into the office and we will download it for you. We will try to return your USB to you via your child's teacher.
To upload your photos, please go to Calvary website www.calvaryslz.org and click on "share your photo" at the bottom of the page and follow instructions. Another option is to send your photos to Jean Mussack.
In addition, you will receive 1 PPP hour credit for submitting 10 or more quality photos. If you have any questions, please see Jean Mussack or the school secretary. |
If you know a family who is interested in attending Calvary Lutheran School, please have them contact the school secretary to receive an information packet, set-up an appointment to take a tour, or they may also be able to shadow one of our students. If they enroll and attend CLS for at least one semester, they will receive a "family referral discount!" In addition, you will receive a "family referral discount" as well. Contact the school secretary, Mrs. Nancy Schibler at schoolsecretary@calvaryslz.org, or by phone at (510) 278-2598, if you have any questions. |
Purchase your gifts cards through Calvary and everyone wins! Make sure you purchase your GIFT CARD(S) from Calvary Offices. You can purchase gift cards to local restaurants, retailers, movie theaters, gas stations, iTunes, Disneyland, Starbucks and so much more. Gift cards are awesome to use for yourself as well as to give as birthday gifts, anniversary, teacher appreciation, and Thank You! Purchasing gifts cards through Calvary earns us points! You purchase the card for the full value, and the vendor donates a percentage back to Calvary! No waiting in those long lines at the store and no hassel finding parking. Stop by the office today. Special Orders/Questions: Contact Karla by e-mail at churchsecretary@calvaryslz.org or by phone at (510) 278-2555 Other ways to earn points: E-Scrip (Safeway) Box Tops S.H.A.R.E. Labels for Education Target Amazon - Smiles Coke Points Office Depot
Gift cards are available in the office today and all year around! |
| | Please continue to keep our Pastor, Superintendent, teachers, students, parents and volunteers in your prayers throughout the school year. |
Calvary Lutheran School 17200 Via Magdalena, San Lorenzo, CA 94580 School: (510) 278-2598* Calvary Club: (510) 278-7688 www.calvaryslz.org
Shepherding Hearts ~ Sharpening Minds ~ Shaping Lives | |
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