6. I have an eye infection such as mucas, a red colored eye or yellow drainage from my eye.
7. I have a sore throat with fever and/or swollen glands and/or it hurts to talk.
8. I am just not feeling good. I am unusually pale, or have a loss of appetite, or overly tired, or cranky.
9. I have a bad earache.
Please do not forget to call the school secretary at (510) 278-2598, and let her know if your child will be out that day, for how long, and if you will be picking homework up that afternoon.
If your child is sick, we will miss them. We will put all work that they miss in their file. You may come to school and pick up missing work after school. We would love to see mom or dad and find out when we will be getting our student back in the classroom. We will say an extra prayer for you and your child.
Thank You.