Exposure to Head Lice and/or Nits Notice
January 29, 2015
Dear Parents/Guardians:
It was reported that one of the students here at Calvary has head lice and/or nits. Please check your child's hair every two (2) days for approximately one (1) week.
In addition to checking your child's hair for the next week, please follow the following prevention tips:
- Teach your child not to share combs, brushes, hair ornaments, hats, caps, scarves
- Teach your child to hang coats separately
- Cleanse and disinfect headgear (i.e., headsets, helmets, etc.) prior to using
- Do regular head lice checks on your child and remove all nits, if found
- When in doubt, consult a professional in the field or your physician's office
In the event head lice are found on your child, treatments are available without a prescription at drug and grocery stores. Please read and follow the package directions carefully, consulting your child's healthcare provider if you have any questions about the treatment or how to use it. If you have any difficulties treating head lice, nit removal on your child, or wish to have further information or handouts, please contact your local health department, or your child's healthcare provider.
The cold the flue season is here. If you feel your child is sick or might be sick, we ask you to please keep them at home.
We have many mom's who are expecting babies, and many new born siblings who come to CLS and we do not want them to get sick. Please do your part in making the right decision if you should keep your child home or send them to school.
If your child's temperature is 99.6 degrees or higher, it is considered a low-grade temperature. Please keep your child at home as whatever your child has is now considered contagious.
A child/student must be fever free, WITHOUT any medications (Tylenol, Motrin, or Ibuprofen) in their system for 24 hours before they can return to school.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Mrs. Marjorie Luehrs