Calvary Lutheran School & Church
News & Events
We are so excited about the current school year and what God is doing at CLS, but we are also looking forward to the coming 2015-16 school year.
Re-enrollment has officially begun. Re-enrollment packets were handed out today to parents of Preschool thru 7th grade. If you were not handed a a re-enrollment packet from your teacher, they are being mailed today. If you do not receive your packet by mail in the next 2-3 business days, please contact the school secretary, Mrs. Nancy Schibler, at (510) 278-2598, or by e-mail at schoolsecretary@calvaryslz.org Remember, submit your re-enrollment application and fee before Friday, January 30, 2015, to lock-in to your tuition payment plan. |
Do you know of a CLS family who is not receiving our weekly (Friday) News & Event e-mails? If you do, please have them contact the school secretary so that we can either check or enter their e-mail address into our mailing system and make sure they do not miss out on our important mailings.
CLS sends weekly (Friday) notices, as well as any and all updates, changes to the school calendar, emergency notices and other information via e-mail only, therefore it is very important for you the parent to check your e-mails from Calvary and read what is going on at Calvary. Please note - If you choose to unsubscribe from one of our e-mails, you then unsubscribe to all of our e-mail communication. Again, contact the school secretary by phone at (510) 278-2598, or by e-mail at schoolsecretary@calvaryslz.org
Thank You! |
The Cold and Flu Season are here...  If you feel your child is sick or might be sick, we ask you to please keep them at home.
If your child's temperature is 99 degrees or higher, it is considered a low-grade temperature. Please keep your child at home as whatever your child has is now considered contagious.
A child must be fever free, without any medications in their system for 24 hours before they can return to school.
Is your child very tired? Does s/he have a dry cough (as opposed to one that's mucus-y)? Is his/her appetite decreased? Any aches or chills?
If your child shows any of these symptoms, we courage you to contact your local physician and discuss your child's symptoms.
Do not forget to let your school secretary know that your child will not be in school and if you would like to pick up any homework after school.
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11 - Church Fellowship - Annual Bake Potato with high calorie toppings. 15 - Spelling Bee (6 pm) 16 - Quarter 2 Ends - 16 - Teacher In-Service - Half Day (Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.) - Calvary Club Open 19 - Martin Luther King Jr., Day - No School, No Calvary Club 20 - Porky's Pizza Palace - The entire school and church are invited. 25-31 - National Lutheran Schools Week 31 - Campus Beautification (9:00 a.m. - noon)
6 - Open House (6 pm - 7:30 pm) 8 - 3rd & 4th Grade Partners in Worship 16 - President's Day (No School, No Calvary Club, Offices Closed) 18 - Ash Wednesday 20 - Teacher In-Service (Half-Day, Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.) - Calvary Club Open _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
* Calvary Club is available ($5.00/hour; after 6:00 pm $4.00/minute) ** Change/Addition in Schedule
| * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  Don't forget to upload your pictures!! New Instructions Submit your photos for the 2014-15 Yearbook online. You may select up to 10 images or more for each upload. Photos may be of your child's field trips, classroom photos, special projects in the classroom or on the playground.
To upload your photos, please go to Calvary website www.calvaryslz.org and click on "share your photo" at the bottom of the page. Follow instructions.
In addition, you will receive 1 PPP Hour for submitting 10 or more quality photos. If you have any questions, please see Jean Mussack.
| | WRITING CHECKS TO CALVARY LUTHERAN SCHOOL 1. Receipts for your checks will no longer be given, unless you specifically request for it. Your check and the check number will be your receipt number. 2. W hen you are writing out a check to Calvary Lutheran School - in bottom left hand corner of your check, the FOR or MEMO section, please write down your child's name and what the check is for. Please note that HOT LUNCH should always be on a separate check. For Example: Memo (write your child's name - what the payment is for) Memo: Karla Jones - Tuition or Memo: Blenda York - Hot Lunch
If you are paying for more than one thing (i.e. Tuition and Calvary Club), then enter as the following: Memo: Hannah Montoya - Tuition - $541.67 Calvary Club - $53.00 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school secretary.
 Calvary Family Association (CFA) Meeting Next CFA meeting is Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 6:45 p.m., at Porky's Pizza Palace.
Come have fun with CFA at the Dine-in Only event at Porky's Pizza Palace. Porky's will donate 20% of each food order to CLS! Present the flyer to the cashier to participate in this fundraiser. Click on the blue title to get your flyer Porky's Pizza Flyer
Time: 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. CFA Meeting is at 6:45 p.m.
Porky's Pizza Palace, 1221 Manor Blvd., San Leandro, CA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CFA Meetings are every Third Tuesday of each month at 6:45 p.m.
Make sure you join us this evening and "bring a friend or two." Free dress on Friday, January 23rd for those students whose parents attend the CFA Meeting!
Please do not enter the school ground from Via Magdalena. This is designated as an Exit Only! Thank You. -
Cars must enter the parking lot from Via Arriba (back side of lot), and exit the parking lot on Via Magdalena before and after school. -
All Gates close at 8:35 am (except for Chapel and special events). Gates will open in the afternoon at 2:50 pm. On Half-Days gates will open at 11:20 am. Please be careful of those students opening the gates. - Please do not enter into the parking lot from Via Magdalena, as this is only to serve as an exit.
- Please park your car when dropping off or picking up students.
- Students in grades Preschool through 4th grade must be walked to class and picked up by an adult. (Please pick up your youngest child first).
- Children must stay behind the blue line and ropes (near buildings) in the parking lot.
- When driving on the school grounds, please slow down!
- Please watch out for the little ones
- Speed limit is 5 mph.
***Please be sensitive to students opening the gates. Wait until the gate is open, student is out of the way BEFORE you proceed to your destination. | | | Scrips Cards are available in the office today and all year around! Purchasing your scrips here at Calvary helps Calvary in many ways. Scrip Gift Cards - Stop by or call the office for gift cards to local restaurants, retailers, movie theaters, gas stations, iTunes, and much more. Scrip cards are awesome to use for yourself as well as to give as birthday gifts, anniversary, teacher appreciation, and Thank-You! All you have to do is come by the office, you purchase the card for the full value, and the vendor donates a percentage back to Calvary! No waiting in those long lines at the store and no hassel finding parking. * * * * * * * * Other ways to help Calvary earn points:
E-Scrip (Safeway) Box Tops S.H.A.R.E. Target Amazon - Smiles Coke Points Labels for Education Office Depot
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the church or school secretary.
"I'll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out-plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." (Jere 29:11) |
Calvary Lutheran Church & School 17200 Via Magdalena, San Lorenzo, CA 94580 Church: (510) 278-2555 School: (510) 278-2598 Calvary Club: (510) 278-7688
Shepherding Hearts ~ Sharpening Minds ~ Shaping Lives | |
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