Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Voter Information

Cherry Blossoms 2



To the Congregation at Calvary Lutheran Church, San Lorenzo:


In regards to the voting eligibility of voting members of the church, we will follow the instructions stated below for voting purposes only until the new Constitution becomes ratified by the District Constitution Committee.  I have been advised by District that it could take 2-3 months more for them to look at it. It was received by District on 14 Nov. 2012.


Because our Church operates under the Board of Governance, we will use the 2010 unratified Constitution and By-Laws  for the operation of the Church.  I have checked with District and this is acceptable.


I apologize for any confusion in the past that has occurred as to which Constitution we are using.


"Voting Membership as of the 1983 Constitution and By-Laws


Article 2:  Voting Membership

Section 1.  Eligibility

Any communicant member of this congregation who is 18 years of age or over, male or female, shall be eligible to apply for Voting Membership.  Such application shall be made at a regular Voters' Meeting of the congregation.  Upon affirmation by the applicant that he has read and understands the Constitution and By-Laws, and of his intention to fulfill such duties as are required of a Voting Member to the best of his ability, he shall be accepted as a Voting Member with all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto.  He shall be required to sign the official copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Congregation at the time of his acceptance into Voting Membership."


Thank you for your understanding.




Barbara Adams, President of Board of Governance




Calvary Lutheran Church & School