Tuesday, June 23, 2015

May's Bog Meeting

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BOARD OF GOVERNANCE (BoG) Minutes of Meeting
May 4, 2015 – Calvary Evanagelical Lutheran Church, San Lorenzo
In attendance:
BoG Members: President, Toni Troya; Secretary, Barbara Adams, Carole Adams, Treasurer; Sarah Anderson and Rick English, absent
Administration: Pastor, Kelly Smith, Superindendent, Dr. Mike Chivalette
Also present, Jerrie Moyer, Vacation Bible School Chairperson & Coordinator
Opening prayers by all.
Minutes from Feb. 10, 2015 approved.
Update given by Jerrie Moyer re Vacation Bible School, August 3-7, 2015. More volunteers needed to run the VBS this year.
Financial Report: Carole Adams, all bills paid.
School report : Dr. C. ( see attached)
Pastor Report ( see attached)
New Business: Policy change language suggested by our insurance representative to be added to our rental agreements to include coverage limits of $1,000,000 for General Liability and $50,000 or more for Damages of Rented Premises. Additional language also added to the Wedding/Reception Request and Agreement Form, One Time Facility Usage Request and Agreement Form, repetitive Facility Usage Request & Agreement Form and Facilities Usage – Operating Policy. All of these forms are in a binder in the Church Administration Office.
Old Business: Potential properties sewer replacement issue brought to BoG's attention by a memo from Frank Mitchell.
Parsonage problem stove was replaced.
2015 Pastors' Conference to be held in October, 2015. Pastor and Pam will be attending. All expenses for Conference, Cruise, Travel/Medical Insurance, basic beverages package and transportation to/from Long Beach have been met. The cost was primarily met by personal donations. The cost of the 2015 Conference is in line with 2014 conference in Fresno.
Status of the memorial plaque for Holly's benches was briefly discussed. The family has been notified.
Church/School sign was discussed re updating it and the costs associated with it. A bid has been obtained.
Church committees continue to be identified, chairperson's and members identified. Policies & Procedures will be established for each as necessary.
On-going Policies and Procedures continue to be identified, written and implemented. Employee Handbook updating: Toni is connecting with District to obtain template and guidance on current language.
Next meeting set for 9 June 2015, 7 p.m. Conference Room.
Closing Prayer.


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CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California, 94580-2928, United States