Wednesday, August 12, 2015

School Beautification - Saturday, August 15, 2015 at 9:00 a.m.

All Hands On Deck!

Kids Cleaning CLEAN  Cleaning Supplies   

Church and School 
Beautification Day
this Saturday,
August 15, 2015
Dear Calvary Lutheran Church and School, Family and Friends,

It's that time of year to spruce up the school and we are having our annual Calvary Lutheran Church and School Beautification Day this Saturday, August 15, 2015, starting at 9:00 a.m., until work is complete. Come on down to Calvary at 9:00 a.m. with some cleaning supplies and you can lend a hand wherever you would like.  Many parents like to help in their child's classroom and that is great!  Go for it.

We will have some donuts and coffee in the morning, so bring your family and friends--the more, the merrier!  Start working off those PPP hours early and have some fun and fellowship while you're doing it.   

Here are some ideas of cleaning items to bring:

Clorox Wipes, paper towels, rags, dusters, paint brushes, Windex (or other surface cleaners), broom (to sweep or knock down cobwebs), wood cleaner/polish, dry erase board cleaner/conditioner, or anything else you think we could use.  Call the school office and church with any questions: 510-278-2598-school,   510-278-2555-church.

Cleaning Products-1

Let's get ready for the First Day of School!
We will need people to help wipe desks and seats in all classrooms, clean and polish white boards, wash windows (inside and out), replace any burnt out lights in all classrooms and wash covers, wash tables in the court yard, sweep walkways and much more. We can also use a few parents to help us paint one more room.


Calvary Lutheran Church & School
17200 Via Magdalena
San Lorenzo, CA  94580
(510) 278-2555 - Church
(510) 278-2598 - School