Monday, December 14, 2015

Christmas Break Information

Dear CLS Families and Friends,
     Merry Christmas to all of our CLS family and friends!  Christmas is indeed the most blessed time of the year.  We have the opportunity to enjoy family and friends, and most importantly, remember that the very essence of God, the Lord Jesus Christ came in the form of a tiny baby who would fulfill all Old Testament prophecy regarding the Messiah.  Yes, this same tiny baby would live a sinless and perfect life in order to fulfill the righteous demands of His Father.  Through his death and the shedding of His blood redemption is offered to all who place their faith in Him as Savior and Lord.  But wait, the rest of the story includes the promise of eternal life for all who have personally placed their trust in Jesus.
Three days later following His death, He arose conquering death once and for all.  Yes, Christmas is all about Jesus, the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world.  Let us rejoice and praise God for the greatest gift of all!
      In light of the circumstances surrounding Mrs. Schibler's family, the school office will be closed over the course of the Christmas break.  Parents needing information may feel free to leave a voice message on the main office phone which will be checked periodically during this time. 
     The 2016-2017 registration information will soon be forwarded to all current CLS families seeking to enroll in January.  The "locked-in date" has been moved to Friday, February 5th.  All current families registering their children no later than February 5th will receive the locked-in rate begun last year.
  • Grades K-5 will be separate, self-contained classes in 2016-2017
  • Middle school will be comprised of grades 6-8 in 2016-2017
     Do not forget "The Bethlehem Express" will be held on Wednesday, December 16 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.  Invite family and friends and enjoy our student choir and "Living Nativity" as they perform.
In His Grace,
Dr. Michael Hemme Chivalette, Superintendent